01303 840499


Veterinary Ophthalmology

Elham Valley Referrals is an independent veterinary practice specialising in the diagnosis and treatment of ophthalmic conditions in animals.

We are fully equipped with cutting-edge equipment and facilities for the diagnosis, treatment and management of eye disease.

We are committed to preserving vision wherever possible and promoting the quality of life for each patient.

The practice is owned and run by Rebecca Elks BVetMed DVOphthal MRCVS, who holds the RCVS Diploma, the highest possible qualification in veterinary ophthalmology.  She is joined by ophthalmologist Bartek Bielecki and they share a varied caseload of eye and eyelid diseases and injuries.  The vets are supported by a team of highly qualified veterinary nurses, animal nursing assistants, and administrative staff.  Meet the team here.

Prospective new clients must be referred to us by their primary vet.  Existing clients can contact us direct to make ongoing appointments.  Referring vets are always welcome to call or email regarding potential referrals or for advice on the management of eye cases.


Elham Valley Referrals

Our Services

  • Phacoemulsification cataract surgery with prosthetic intraocular lens placement
  • Gonioscopy and tonometry
  • Electroretinography, ocular ultrasound and investigation of blindness
  • Intraocular microsurgery
  • Corneal surgery including advanced grafts,  biomatrix corneal repair and collagen cross-linking techniques
  • Laser surgery for tumours, glaucoma and retinal detachment
  • Corrective and reconstructive eyelid surgery
  • Electrolysis and cryosurgery
  • Clinical and genetic screening of dogs for inherited eye disease
  • 24 hour emergency and out-of-hours service
  • CPD and training in veterinary ophthalmology for GP vets, veterinary nurses and students